De-Mystifying the Shoulder

Critical to the functioning of the hand is a stable shoulder.

The conference committee is proud to present a workshop as part of the 2021 AHTA Conference, “De-Mystifying the Shoulder” pre-conference workshop. The workshop aims to improve the therapist’s understanding of the assessment of the shoulder with an overview of common diagnoses and current evidence-based treatment options.

The workshop is intended for all therapist levels of experience and exposure to the shoulder. The morning will begin with a refreshment of the anatomy of the shoulder with a basic clinical assessment. Simple taping options will be demonstrated.

The day will then progress with a session focusing on the assessment and a treatment overview of common acute and chronic shoulder complaints including rotator cuff tendinopathies and ACJ injuries.

The workshop will then round out with a session linking the impact of shoulder injuries on the hand and how as therapists focused on the hand we can re-consider the role of the shoulder in our treatment.



Date: Thursday 26th August 2021 
Time:  0900am - 3.30pm

Venue: Parmelia Hilton
Cost: $250 AUD

Due to the practical nature of this workshop we will only be offering this to delegates in attendance at Parmelia Hilton.

Register Now

Friday - Session 2

Not So ‘Complex’: TFCC Anatomy and Assessment

Concurrent Session 2A
11.20am - 12.40pm

Presenters: A/Prof Luke McCarron
Attendance: Virtual and In-Person
The Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) is a ligamentous structure located on the ulnar side of the wrist that is both elegant and sometimes scary. This workshop will provide a step-by-step approach to better understanding TFCC anatomy and clinical assessment, while also demonstrating the fabrication of a novel functional splint.

Clinical reasoning toolkit: Strategies to guide therapy after hand trauma

Concurrent Session 2B
11.20am - 12.40pm

Presenters: Helen Fitzgerald
Attendance: In-Person only
Clinical reasoning is a fundamental skill for any clinician.  Get ready to draw upon your resources and share knowledge and skills during this interactive workshop aimed at helping intermediate and junior therapists develop their clinical reasoning skills and integrate them into their hand therapy practice.

Practical strategies for treating the stiff elbow

Concurrent Session 2C
11.20am - 12.40pm

Presenters: Michael Fitzgerald
Attendance: In-Person only
A common complication following injury or surgery to the elbow is stiffness. This workshop aims to provide a quick overview of elbow anatomy and causes of stiffness; followed by practical treatment tips, strategies and demonstrations aimed at treating the stiff elbow.

Oedema in the Upper Limb - from a lymphoedema background

Concurrent Session 2D
11.20am - 12.40pm

Presenters: Jane Broadhurst
Attendance: In-Person only
Oedema is a complex inflammatory response that requires specific analysis for targeted intervention to promote optimal outcomes.  This workshop will provide an overview of the differences of the constitutional make-up of oedema as well as classification for documentation purposes. Practical instruction on assessment strategies including tips and tricks. Evidence-based intervention strategies – myth-busting common misconceptions and collating what the latest research actually is.  Practical instruction on oedema management including measuring for ready-to-wear compression vs custom-made garments.

Saturday - Session 6

Zone 3 Relative Motion Flexion

Concurrent Session 6A
1.45pm - 3.00pm (AWST)

Presenter: Gwendolyn van Strien
Attendance: In-Person

In this workshop there will be an indepth “walk through” of the anatomy of the extensor mechanism and relevant literature with special attention for the zone 3 area. If possible it will be interactive so DO have three different coloured pens ready to draw on your finger along the way! The anatomy exposé  is then used to get a better understanding of how the relative motion flexion approach can work for a zone 3 extensor injury. Clinical relevance will be addressed, both for testing of the acute zone 3 injury as well as treating zone 3 injuries, based on the biomechanics and anatomy of the first part of the lecture/workshop.

There will be examples and tips and tricks on how to use RMF for both acute as well as the older zone 3 injuries with a boutonniere developing.


Splinting for conservative management of proximal phalanx and metacarpal fractures

Concurrent Session 6B
1.45pm -3.00pm

Presenter: Brent Byrne
Attendance: In-Person
The delineation of proximal phalanx and metacarpal fractures considered safe for continued conservative management is evolving. At recent AHTA conferences, Brent has detailed short term observations at discharge following therapy treatment within both fracture cohorts. In this workshop, Brent will be presenting the splints underpinning his research including his ‘tips and tricks’ for successful fabrication, fracture stabilisation and rehabilitation.

Unraveling complex pain presentations

Concurrent Session 6C
1.45pm - 3.00pm

Presenter: Dr Darren Beales
Attendance: In-Person
Pain itself can represent a significant barrier to recovery from any injury. Research has increased in the area of complex pain presentations that can be informative to clinical practice. This workshop will provide a clinical reasoning approach to more complex pain presentations that is evidence-based yet pragmatic. Areas covered will include:

- Models of care applied to managing pain disorders

- What localised mechanical pain looks like.

- Differentiating peripheral nerve sensitisation as a complexity in pain presentations.

- Differentiating heightened pain sensitivity as a complexity in pain presentations.

- Discussion of management strategies aligned to these 2 complexities.

- A brief not on the relationship of psychosocial factors in relation to these pain presentations.

The workshop will include the latest evidence, clinical use of the evidence, some practical element practice, and time for discussion.

Can you speak patient?

Concurrent Session 6D
1.45pm - 3.00pm

Presenter: Amy Geach
Attendance: Virtual and In-Person
Ever had a client that left unhappy? Or had a client that cost you time, money, your confidence and your sleep? Maybe they were a bad fit for you and your business. It can happen. But… often we keep letting it happen because we haven’t designed our business for who we want. Tradition tells us we need to see everyone – but we don’t. We need to focus on seeing our ideal clients. Once we know who our ideal clients are….. things fall into place. Our marketing works better. It’s easier to write content clients understand and appreciate because you are speaking their language!  You are seeing more people that bring you joy, and the prospect of having a happy and healthy practice for a long time has a great foundation.  Why don’t we have this nailed already? Defining your ideal client is harder than it seems. It is more than “middle-aged female with a sore wrist”. It involves going deep – and can feel hard to conquer – but this workshop is all about finding YOUR ideal client to strengthen your business and enable you to communicate well to the people you are here to serve. We will cover how to communicate and increase engagement. Spend this time working ON your business – you will thank yourself later!

The Future of Finger and Partial-Hand Prostheses in Clinical Practice: The Psychosocial Impacts of Amputations, Current Prosthetic Innovations, and Practical Tools for Implementing Care for Hand Therapists

Concurrent Session 6E
1.45pm - 3.00pm

Attendance: Virtual only
This course will explore outcomes of digit amputation, emphasizing how innovative prosthesis adaptation has the power to positively impact a person’s recovery of meaning, value, and purpose. It will also provide practical instruction on a hand therapist’s involvement in recommending and educating on body-driven prostheses for this population. As key members of a patient’s rehabilitation team, hand therapists are uniquely positioned as the navigator to excellence in functional device integration and improved patient satisfaction. This course is evidence-based (references available) and accessible for all levels of hand therapy practitioners.


Saturday - Session 7

Zone 3 Relative Motion Flexion

Concurrent Session 7A
3.30pm - 4.45pm (AWST)

Presenter: Gwendolyn van Strien
Attendance: Virtual and In-Person

In this workshop there will be an indepth “walk through” of the anatomy of the extensor mechanism and relevant literature with special attention for the zone 3 area. If possible it will be interactive so DO have three different coloured pens ready to draw on your finger along the way! The anatomy exposé  is then used to get a better understanding of how the relative motion flexion approach can work for a zone 3 extensor injury. Clinical relevance will be addressed, both for testing of the acute zone 3 injury as well as treating zone 3 injuries, based on the biomechanics and anatomy of the first part of the lecture/workshop.

There will be examples and tips and tricks on how to use RMF for both acute as well as the older zone 3 injuries with a boutonniere developing.


Splinting for conservative management of proximal phalanx and metacarpal fractures

Concurrent Session 7B
3.30pm -4.45pm

Presenter: Brent Byrne
Attendance: In-Person
The delineation of proximal phalanx and metacarpal fractures considered safe for continued conservative management is evolving. At recent AHTA conferences, Brent has detailed short term observations at discharge following therapy treatment within both fracture cohorts. In this workshop, Brent will be presenting the splints underpinning his research including his ‘tips and tricks’ for successful fabrication, fracture stabilisation and rehabilitation.

Capener Fabrication

Concurrent Session 7C
3.30pm - 4.45pm (AWST)

Presenter: Celeste Glasgow
Attendance: In-Person
Celeste has recently completed an RCT of the effectiveness of extension splints for the PIP joint.  This study demonstrated that capener splints were one of the most effective treatments for improving both active extension and the arc of motion, in the stiff PIP joint. In the session today she will demonstrate and outline step by step her procedure for fabrication of capener splints, and some tips and tricks that may assist you along the way. The technique for measuring splint tension will also be demonstrated and the best “dose” of treatment discussed in relation to research evidence.

Skin Traction and EAVAST for Phalangeal Fractures - Practical Workshop with Engineering Studies

Concurrent Session 7D
3.30pm - 4.45pm (AWST)

Presenter: Jason Fairclough
Attendance: In-Person
The Session will include:
A. Skin Traction Workstations
1) Workstation for Case Studies of the EAVAST Method
2) Workstation for Practical Learning of EAVAST Skin Traction including use of a Mamometer

B.Advanced Proprioceptive Workstations with Gyroball 
1) Workstation for Case Studies of Advanced Proprioceptive Exercises (APEs)  
2)Workstations for Practical Application of Advanced Proprioceptive Exercises (APEs)

* Workstations will include discussion on Engineering Principles in Hand Therapy - CAD Design, 3D Printing, Laser Cutting, and Digitisation

Friday Lunchtime Workshops

OPC Workshop

Friday 27th August
1.10 - 1.40pm
Attendance: In-Person

LymphaTouch® Negative Pressure Device – one unit multiple applications. A medical device that works as a supplementary tool for manual treatments to improve therapy outcomes, offering patients pain free treatments across a range of modalities including Oedema Management – both pre and postoperative, Pain Management, Orthopaedics, and Scar & Fibrosis Therapy.

LymphaTouch® can improve therapy outcomes, enabling the professional to work more efficiently and the patient to get positive results faster.

Performance Health Workshop

Friday 27th August
1.10 - 1.40pm
Presenters: Jeff Sanderson & Brodwen McBain
Attendance: In-Person

Clinical reasoning and testing for wrist and forearm mobilisation orthoses - Wrist and forearm stiffness is a common presenting problem, requiring reliable treatment options. In the context of the wrist, this workshop will review clinical reasoning and decision-making relating to splints designed to stretch wrist extension and forearm rotation. This will include: assessing appropriateness and timing of stretching splints for patients vs other treatment modalities, trying different splint designs and testing that they hold at end-of-range, clinical reasoning and problem solving why splints have and have not worked in the past. Finally, choosing the right splint based on patient needs and splint testing and fabrication principles, then testing that it will be effectively donned at end-of-range. The workshop will include some handy notes on how to do this

Saturday Lunchtime Workshops

Performance Health - SaeboGlove

Saturday 28th August
1.00 - 1.30pm
Presenter: Emma Ellison
: In-Person

SaeboGlove – Low profile functional orthosis for assisting neurological and orthopaedic clients with finger and thumb extension. This session will cover indications and contraindications for prescribing the SaeboGlove as well as measuring and fitting tips. And it will also discuss other simple off the shelf splinting solutions for long term care clients with splinting needs

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

Saturday 28th August
1.00 - 1.30pm
Attendance: In-Person and virtual

Legal Writing Course

- Who is requesting the report – has a valid, current patient authority been provided? 
- Reasonable timeframes for report provision. 
- Can the organisation requesting the report dictate your fee? 
- Time-based billing for reporting – reviewing records, drafting and completing the report – are you charging enough? 
- Report writing as a revenue source outside of clinical time.

- Is it appropriate to discuss a proposed report with the person requesting the report in advance of preparation? 
- Overview of key components of a report. 
- Report requests including request for clinical records – what should be provided. 
- Ability of O.T qualified hand therapists to be remunerated for reporting and providing certificates of capacity – different rules for different States.